How To Handle Common Dental Emergencies

If you experience any of these common dental emergencies, immediately contact
Hanna Pearl Dental via telephone. Dr. Hanna will be in touch and can
remotely prescribe the necessary medications.
1) Toothache: To alleviate the discomfort, clean the affected area by rinsing with
warm salt water and flossing to ensure all irritating debris has been cleared. If
swelling arises, apply a cold compress to limit the swelling. If the pain
worsens and severely impacts your daily tasks and sleep, please contact your
local Urgent Care.
2) Fractured Teeth: Make sure to save any fragments that can be retrieved and
seek immediate treatment. Non-lingering cold and hot sensitivity may be
experienced following the fracture, so it is advised to avoid cold, hot, sweet,
and spicy foods and drinks until the issue is addressed by a dental
3) Dislodged Crowns or Fillings: Save the crown and bring it with you to the
appointment. To temporarily manage the situation, you can purchase clove oil
from any pharmacy and cover the exposed tooth where the crown has been
dislodged. Alternatively, you can place sugar-free gum in the open cavity
where the filling has come loose.
4) Knocked-Out Tooth: Carefully pick up the tooth by the crown, avoiding
touching the root, and gently rinse it with water to remove any dirt or debris.
Do not scrub or use any cleaning agents on the tooth. Place the tooth in a
container with milk or a saline solution to help preserve it. Alternatively, you
can also place the tooth between your cheek and gum to keep it moist. Seek
immediate professional dental care.